The DKE GmbH is a consortium of different companies of the agricultural sector where HORSCH is involved, too. The objective of this consorium is the development of an interface for data to transfer digital information wirelessly to various involved partners. The agrirouter acts as a data platform and HORSCH works on an interface on the machineside. In the future, this will allow for a for example uncomplicated transfer of application maps or orders from the office PC to the machine and back. The agrirouter does not save any data, but only forwards them. The user, thus, always is master of his data. Moreover, it will be possible to include for example a consultant or a contractor in the data flow. This is an important step towards the standardisation of the different and company-specific developments with regard to the data transfer between machines and software products of different manufacturers. HORSCH is part of this development for a simple and safe digital future of farming.
The Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) is an independent organisation. The objectives of the AEF: the improvement of the compatibility of electronic and electric components in agricultural machines across the manufacturers as well as the safeguarding of transparency with regard to questions of compatibility.