Singulation with the Funck metering device

HORSCH shaker box with optimum wheat

HORSCH shaker box with optimum rape

Bypass system for seed rates beyond 250 grains/m² or seed that is not suitable for singulation

with pocket rape

with pocket wheat

with pocket rye

with pocket barley
with the Funck metering device
Seed coulter
- The design of the seed coulter and the main characteristics like the coulter pressure of up to 120 kg are identical to the well-proven TurboDisc coulter.
- Depending on the conditions an operational speed of up to 10 km/h is possible.
- The well-proven DoubleDiscs open the seed furrow. An integrated skid forms the seed furrow and guarantees an exact placement.
- A height-adjustable catching roller allows for a defined placement of the seed and creates the necessary seed-soil contact.
- After the catching roller the well-known press wheel closes the furrow and controls the depth of the seed coulter.
- To guarantee an undisturbed and exact mechanical singulation of the grains, the seed has to be even sized and clean.
- The homogeneity of the seed and thus, its suitability for the system can be determined by means of the HORSCH shaker box.
- Generally the grains should be in the second or third chamber of the shaker box.
- If the grains end up in the first or last chamber, this seed is not suitable for singulation (in this case the Bypass system can be used).
- The structure of the central metering unit and the pneumatic system are identical to the conventional seed drills.
- The singulation of the grains is made by the Funck metering device on the seed coulter with up to 100 grains/sec.
- Singulation is carried out mechanically by crop-specific pockets in the singulation disc inside the Funck metering device.
- The desired seed rate in grains/m² and the thousand seed weight are entered in the terminal.
- The calibration test is carried out according to the well-known system.
- Every singulation disc is driven by an own electric motor (1 000 – 2 000 rpm), monitored by the software and controlled automatically depending on the operational speed.
- Depending on the seed rate 1, 2 or 4 pockets can easily be put into the singulation disc without any tools.
- Different pockets are available for wheat, rye, bayley, rape and peas.
- The seed is transported to the seed furrow via the fall tube.
- From an agricultural point of view the use of the system makes sense up to a seed rate of 250 grains/m². Beyond this limit the singulation effects are only marginal.
- In case of high seed rates, unsuitable seed or if catch crops are to be sown, the delivered Bypass system allows for sowing conventionally.